
Monday Night Indoor Technical Training

With Mick Smith

The invitational program is aimed towards players currently playing at a high level. Far Post will nurture some players that show great dedication, potential or have graduated through a previous FPS program. Players in this category will often be placed in the younger age group at first before moving up. Players showing exceptional ability may be invited to attend additional or older classes. Each class is $25. ALL sessions are held at our indoor facility. The Edge Sports Center, 19 Royal Road, Flemington NJ 08822

Ages and Times
4.30pm U-8/9/10
5.30pm U11/12
6.30pm U-12/13
7.30pm U-13/U-14

Training Objectives

Technical: Skill Development and Execution

Tactical: Decision-making

Physical: Quickness, Reaction and Speed

Psychological: Learning to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations

All sessions will be run by Mick Smith.


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